Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 5 - Wednesday

Another word from Matti and Aubrey (yes you get to hear from us twice). and yes, we’re that awesome.
Today the Dream Team reunited for a dynamic day in Aleman village.  Aubrey treated patients, took blood pressures, listened to a fetal heart beat, and administered medication in the medical clinic, while the remaining Dream Team played games. With kids. Like a boss.  Okay, so maybe the team did a little more than that.  But still, like a boss.  Below are the direct observations of Matti and Aubrey.
Matti’s observations for the day:
                Today, we joined forces with a medical team that is here this week.  We all went to a village where they set up a sweet medical clinic which Aubrey I’m sure will tell you all about.  We came along to play with the children and minister to them as well as to people in the village.  We (the team - Aubrey) began the day by playing with the kids.  There were lots of kids so everyone on the team kind of broke of and did different things with different kids.  I was able to take part in a baseball game and then a soccer game.  It is amazing to me how people from completely different backgrounds can be brought together through sports.  The fact that we could only understand each other a little bit and yet still play games together was great.  At one point during soccer one guy even said something like “I no speak English, you no speak espanol.  Its okay.”  After games and lunch we handed tracts in Spanish out to people in the village.  The people we’re really receptive to them and read them over and over again.  A couple of team members were able to visit the church with a group of guys and then prayed for them.  It was neat to see how we were able to minister through games and then walking through the village while there was this medical team there ministering through healthcare.  This is the way it should be, Christians coming together for the purpose of expanding the kingdom. 
Aubrey’s observations for the day:   
                Today marks the end of my experience with the medical mission’s team, and wow has it been a fun ride.  I feel like I’m on a completely different mission’s trip from the others, but all of us are using our gifts for great things.  Today actually, our groups met up for the first time, as the medical team set up in another school in a little community called Aleman, and the dream team came along to play with the kids of the village.  I teamed up with a nurse that I worked with the day before, and we tackled patient after patient.  It was such a fun experience, because whole families came in for medical attention, so we were looking at mom, and then babies, and elementary age kids.  When we laughed or tickled the kids, the mom’s would have the hugest smiles on their faces, and even the small things, like vitamins that we handed out, made their days.  A young pregnant woman who was eight months along came in for a regular check-up, and I was able to find the baby’s heart beat with an ultrasound, and let the mom hear it.  The nurse, Brooke, and I laughed about it afterwards, because we thought our smiles were huger than the mom’s smiles.   Wow what an experience!  Many children had impacted ear wax issues, and so we had to do several ear canal irrigations.  This process involved sticking a syringe up their ear canal and pumping it with pressurized water.  This was painful for the children, and it was hard to see them trying to be brave, but it was also the first time that we were able to truly hold and comfort the kids.  Knowing that the pain was temporary, but the benefits were huge was very rewarding for me.  We weren’t just handing out pills and praying that they remembered to take them, we were actually changing that child’s life.  One little boy who had to go through it, held his sobbing sister’s hand as we cleaned out her ears and had the biggest grin on his face, when before it took three of us to hold him down while he was kicking and screaming.  He was probably able to hear clearly for the first time in a long time.
I know that medical mission’s are in my future, and I have been so blessed by this opportunity.  It was also such a blessing to see the Dream Team in action out the window.  Their energy in the hot heat was so inspiring, and I was so proud of all of them.  Tomorrow I begin working with them again, and I can’t wait.  They are such a dynamic group of individuals, they make any team member proud to point at them and say “they’re with me”.

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